Monday, August 24, 2009


I have always wanted to fly.

No, not in an airplane.

I mean fly. Literally.

Spread your arms out wide and feel your feet leave the ground. Terra firma beneath you no longer, the feeling of weightlessness and and the rush of cool air through your lungs. Looking at the tops of houses and trees, a sense of one with God and nature.

Thats what I imagine it would be like.

Never having the opportunity to pilot a single engine craft or even jump from one, the closest I come to it is driving.

I take a lot of good natured ribbing about my driving skills and my penchant for speeding. Never having received a speeding ticket (until last week, that is, but that's another column) I love getting on the open road and just pushing the pedal down as far as it will go.

But I have found something that comes almost as close to flying.

Sitting next to him in the truck, I experience the thrill of flying without having to navigate.

Out in the apple orchards there are miles and miles of nothing but trees. They create their own mini highways that we can travel up and down, faster, faster and faster still! I close my eyes and I can feel us leave the ground. The wind whips through the open windows, blowing my hair in my eyes and taking my breath away.

Every dip in the road makes us airborne for a few seconds and we brace ourselves for the landing. The dust blows behind us as we enter each dirt road, ready to do it all over again. Heaven on earth, I realize my childhood dream of flying.

Yet another perk of living here in God's country, and enjoying life with the man God intended me to be with.

A simple thrill for a simple woman, I have learned to appreciate even the smallest of gifts.

Like flying.

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