Sunday, October 24, 2010

Good To See You

What a great turn out yesterday at People's Pottery!  I sold my entire stash of books yesterday in just under two hours - a new record!  Thanks again to my good friends, Carla & Jim Froehler, who went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable and for creating an inviting atmosphere in their beautiful gallery of fine gifts and jewelery.  Carla was my friend before she was my employer, and I am grateful for her kindness.  I do believe she is one of the most generous people I have ever met, and that generosity is evident in the hundreds of benefits she holds at her store every year.  I am blessed to call her friend.

Book signings are a strange animal.  You never really know how they are going to behave.  You can either sell 2 books, twenty books, or none at all!   Truth be known, half the time writers show up at book fairs and festivals just to be able to visit with other writers/friends.  There really isn't a big expectation that your entire inventory will be depleted.

There are so many variables that factor into the success or failure of such a venture.  The weather always plays a big part in whether anyone even show up;  if its too cold or rainy, people stay home.  If its a bright sunny day, people will stay outdoors and try to soak up some of that sunshine for as long as they can.  I can't say that I blame them on that one. But if its a hot, sweltering day, they might come solely for the air conditioning and your book is just a by product.

There are so many things pulling at the reader, and sometimes sitting down to read a book doesn't even enter their mind.  If they have kids, there's the inevitable running around to take them here or there.  Then when they're home, there's housework to be done, laundry to fold and cooking to feed the hungry masses, because if you have children, they have friends, and everyone is always hungry.

If, by some chance, they are able to carve out a few minutes for themselves, I doubt it will be to read a book - its most likely to have their hair done or just quiet time.    So it is always a wonderful surprise for me to learn they have sought my books out and look forward to reading them, even if its in the tub.

 Whatever their reason for buying one of my books, I am always thankful.

While having dinner with my daughter after a long day, I was reminded again that not all my readers are women.   We were sitting in a local restaurant known for its good food and homey atmosphere, while a man came to the table as I lifted up another forkful of pasta.

He was nice enough to stop by our table and tell me how much they enjoyed my book and that they were sorry I no longer worked for the paper.   We laughed when he said his wife "made him" read me, even though he "didn't read that kind of stuff!"   I laughed and told  him how much I appreciated him telling me this and to thank his wife for buying my books for him.

As I drank my last drops of coffee, I thought of how much I was going to miss this place, this town that I had begun to think of home.  I know that I really will never leave here, and will be back someday.   I said a silent prayer for the man who delivered his message to me, and to give me the incentive to continue on when there were plenty of times I just wanted to give up.

I am grateful for every opportunity the good Lord has given me, and on this Sunday morning I am doubly aware of his Grace and the fact I got to wake up yet another day to do it all again.

When ever it happens to be, it will be good to see you.

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