Monday, September 7, 2009


Labor Day weekend brought the lovely days last. This past Monday sun was shining, while thickening clouds spelled the arrival of the forecasted rain. Not totally unexpected, as this was the pattern of the Rainbow Summer.

Also unexpected was the surprise fruit/vegetable growing in my garden; as of this writing we have yet to learn what it really is. Most suspect it is a pumpkin, but I was not convinced until today. The tell tale beginnings of the orangey hue have begun to sprinkle throughout its rotund thick skins, the stem thick and strong. I am reminded that autumn is around the corner and it will fit perfectly seated next to the scarecrow adorning my front steps. Smaller ones have sprouted along the ground, flat bottoms to also decorate our windowsills and walkways.

Labor Day also means the changing of the dishes displayed in the kitchen hutch. Afternoons are meant for naptime around here; this ritual will not disturb the quiet peacefulness of the moment. In between I take time to sit on the deck and look at the lake, listening to the water skiers and watch the canoe lovers take one more lap around the bay. I lovingly remove the blue and white summer dishes and lay them quietly in their own little beds of tissue paper and cardboard. They will take their own nap, as I replace them with the mixture of mustard, green, red and blue plates. I work slowly and quietly so as not to awaken the sleeping dogs, all kinds and every species, spread out on the floors and atop couches.

The day before, my daughter-in-law gave birth to my 7th grandchild, the 3rd in their growing brood. Sophianna Ruth, took her time getting here, but it was well worth the wait.

I remembered once again the sweet baby smell of the new born, the innocence and the softness of her cheeks as I bent down to kiss them. The feelings were rekindled in me as to why I had so many; I loved doing this, and happily, for a little while, I get to do it again.

It was not the best summer this year. In fact, it was probably the worst one weather wise that I can recall. But it certainly will be one to remember.

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