Friday, October 22, 2010

The Airplane Always Points East

Well, I guess the word is starting to get out about my move to Idaho Falls, Idaho.  It shouldn't come as that much of a surprise since I posted it on my Facebook status.  I’ve had mixed reactions to my news, and although I am the one who made the decision to travel back with my husband at Christmas break, it is still going to be bittersweet. 

I’ve never lived anywhere else but the east coast, except for a crazy few months when I got a wild hair, packed up my 3 year old son and drove to Phoenix.  We were back in time for Mother’s Day and I never thought about moving again.

My oldest son moved west nearly 20 years ago, and his father before him.  Both of them said they loved it there and would never move back to NewYork.   The air was dryer, the mountains majestic and awe inspiring.  I wonder if I will have the same reaction.

All my other children are on the east coast, and my siblings are scattered throughout the U.S.  My brother and his wife call Houston their home and my baby sister lives in California, but other than that, the airplane always points East.

Of course, the friends I make remain in my heart forever, no matter where I live.  Hopefully, the time and distance won’t dampen our friendship and only enhance the time we do have together. 

Moving west will create a new environment in which to write, and maybe I will finally be able to get the novels finished, five in all, still waiting to be adjusted, polished and renewed.  The relocation will probably do them good, too.  Too, there will be opportunities for book signings in other venues, as well as sneaking in a comedy appearance or two. 

But my heart will forever be here in New York.  The original Uptown Girl, I will always think of the World Trade Center of my youth; 19 years old, standing on the roof of the building and looking out over the horizon, realizing the world was mine to be had.  The landscape is vastly different now, and my view has peppered with age and the slight scent of cynicism, but the wanderlust has never left me.  The world is still mine to be had. 

With my husband by my side, he is sure to continue to provide the comic relief while sharing his own unique take on life, as we travel though the next 10 years together.  Grand kids and stories to share, we will make new memories from which to remember when all we can do is sit and look at our Lake.  

It is, after all, where THIS all began. 

Stories From the Snake (River), here I come. 


Unknown said...

Only 10??? You know something I don't know??? Maybe I should be taking more cholesterol meds???

Teresa said...

E- baby, I too stood on top of the World Trade Center.. we have so much in common, despite our different lives! I knew I would love this- from the title!

I hope to welcome you with open arms to the west. It's not New York. It never will be, but it's wonderful in its own way. I warn you- the pizza and lack of dunkin' donuts- is tragic. But- everything else is terrific!